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Engineered transparency : the technical, visual, and spatial effects of glass
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9781568987989 Year: 2008 Publisher: New York : Princeton Architectural Press,

Pure plastic : new materials for today's architecture.
ISBN: 9783938780510 Year: 2008 Publisher: Berlin Braun

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Touch wood : the rediscovery of a building material.
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9783938780503 Year: 2008 Publisher: Berlin Braun

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Timber as a traditional building material provides exciting possibilities in architectural design that have long been recognised and employed. Quite apart from the aesthetic value of the different kinds of wood, one of the most important advantages is its sustainability which make it part of energy-efficient architecture. Touch Wood presents outstanding examples of the latest architectural designs from all over the world for which wood has been used extensively. Richly illustrated this title shows the innovative ways timber is currently being handled and how its use has been expanded by new technologies and experiments with traditional building methods.

Optimization and integration of geo-electrical techniques as a non-destructive assessment for masonry structures
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9789056829568 Year: 2008 Publisher: Leuven Katholieke Universiteit Leuven

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De geo-elektrische technieken uit de geofysica werden aangepast voor gebruik als een niet-destructieve techniek voor het in situ onderzoek van historisch metselwerk. Theoretische beschouwingen en numerieke modellering hebben aangeduid hoe ze omgebouwd konden worden om op metselwerk gebruikt te worden. Daarna werden ze verder ontwikkeld en getest in het laboratorium, en uiteindelijk toegepast op historisch metselwerk on site in twee restauratieprojecten. In deze thesis werd duidelijk aangetoond dat het geo-elektrisch onderzoek van metselwerk een geschikt, niet-destructief middel aan het worden is voor de diagnose van een beschadigde structuur, om de nood aan restauratie te beoordelen en om de efficiëntie van consolidatieinjecties te controleren. The geo-electrical techniques from geophysics have been adapted from for use as a non-destructive technique on historic masonry. Theoretical considerations and numerical modelling have shown how they could be reconsidered for use on masonry. They have been further developed and tested in laboratory, and finally applied on historic masonry in two case studies. This thesis shows that geo-electrical surveying is a cost-efficient, quick, accurate, non-destructive technique for the evaluation of the inner structure of building constructions in general, and masonry walls in particular. The geo-electrical survey of masonry is becoming a suitable, non-destructive tool for the diagnosis of a deteriorated structure, to judge the need of restoration and to control the efficacy of consolidation injections.

The plastics handbook.
ISBN: 9782888930020 Year: 2008 Publisher: Mies RotoVision

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From plastics with the strength and durability of metal, to mass-produced skins, sensuous plastics, and rental DVDs that expire 48 hours after you've opened the packaging, "The Plastics Handbook" offers a fascinating insight into the most innovative and unusual plastics for designers and manufacturers throughout the world. This book gets under the skin of products and materials to reveal the hidden qualities of plastics, exploring the materials that surround us today, and those that will surround us tomorrow, together with their practical applications. "The Plastics Handbook" is your essential guide to who is making what, from contemporary designer materials to the products of the future, featuring facts and applications for hundreds of new plastic products and materials. The book also has an extensive resources section, including a glossary, a guide to different types of plastics, diagrams of standard manufacturing processes, plus useful website addresses.

ICOMOS-ISCS illustrated glossary on stone deterioration patterns.
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9782918086000 2918086002 Year: 2008 Volume: 15 15 Publisher: Paris ICOMOS

Nano Materials : in Architecture, Interior Architecture and Design
Authors: --- --- --- ---
ISBN: 9783764379957 3764379952 3038214329 9786611951191 1281951196 3764383216 Year: 2008 Publisher: Basel : Birkhäuser,

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Nanotechnologie gilt als eine der Schlüsseltechnologien des 21. Jahrhunderts mit stark wachsender wirtschaftlicher Bedeutung. In Architektur und Bauwesen liegen ihre heute nutzbaren Potenziale besonders in der Beschichtung von Oberflächen, die diesen funktionale Eigenschaften wie erhöhte Bruchfestigkeit, Fähigkeit zur Selbstreinigung, Feuerresistenz etc. verleiht. Auf Nanomaterialien basierende Zusatzstoffe machen gängige Materialien leichter, durchlässiger oder verschleißfester. Nicht nur für Fassaden und Dächer sind Nanomaterialien von großem Interesse, sondern sie bereichern auch die Gestaltungsmöglichkeiten von Innen- und Außenräumen. Nano-Dämmmaterialien eröffnen ökologisch ausgerichteten Architekten neue Potenziale.Architekten, Innenarchitekten und Designer finden in diesem Buch eine auf ihre Belange zugeschnittene Einführung in den naturwissenschaftlichen Hintergrund, eine kritische Diskussion der Vorzüge und Grenzen dieser Technologie und vor allem eine umfassende, mit zahlreichen internationalen Projektbeispielen belegte Darstellung von 16 bau- und designrelevanten Eigenschaften und Funktionen von Nanomaterialien. Nobelpreisträger Harold Kroto trug ein Vorwort bei.Dipl.-Ing. Innenarchitektin BDIA Sylvia Leydecker ist praktizierende Innenarchitektin mit dem eigenen Büro "100% interior" in Köln. Sie vertritt den BDIA in der Architektenkammer NRW, ist Dozentin bei mehreren Architektenkammer-Akademien, Mitglied im Kompetenzzentrum Nanotechnologie CC-NanoChem und im Institute of Nantechnology IoN, Schottland. Zahlreiche Vorträge und Zeitschriftenpublikationen über das Thema Nanotechnologie in Architektur, Innenarchitektur und Design. Nanotechnology is widely regarded as one of the twenty-first century's key technologies, and its economic importance is sharply on the rise. In architecture and the construction industry it has potentials that are already usable today, especially the coating of surfaces to lend them functional characteristics such as increased tensile strength, self-cleaning capacity, fire resistance, and others. Additives based on nanomaterials make common materials lighter, more permeable, and more resistant to wear. Nanomaterials are not only extremely useful for roofs and facades; they also expand design possibilities for interior and exterior rooms and spaces. Nano-insulating materials open up new possibilities for ecologically oriented architects.In this book, with a foreword by nobel prize winner Harold Kroto, architects, interior designers and designers will find an introduction to the scientific background specifically tailored to their needs, a critical discussion of the advantages and limits of the technology, and above all a comprehensive presentation of sixteen characteristics and functions of nanomaterials that are specially relevant for building and design, illustrated by numerous international project examples.Dipl.-Ing. interior designer BDIA Sylvia Leydecker is a practicing interior designer with her own firm in Cologne, 100% Interior. She represents the BDIA (Bund Deutscher Innenarchitekten, or Union of German Interior Architects/Designers) on the Architektenkammer Nordrhein-Westfalen (Chamber of Architects of North Rhine-Westphalia), serves as an instructor for a number of Architektenkammer academies, and is a member of the Kompetenzzentrum Nanotechnologie CC-NanoChem (Competence Center for Chemical Nanotechnology, or CC-NanoChem) and the Institute of Nanotechnology, or IoN, in Scotland. Numerous lectures and journal publications on the subject of nanotechnology in architecture, interior design, and design.


691 --- 691.9 --- 691.8 --- Nanotechnologie --- nanotechnologie --- bouwmaterialen --- interieurmaterialen --- designmaterialen --- 69.059.1 --- 691.175 --- 691.27 --- 699.81 --- 699.86 --- 72.039 --- 747 --- Bouwmaterialen (architectuur) --- Smart materials --- Synthetische materialen --- Kunststof --- smart materials --- Maintenance in general. Inspection. Cleaning --- Plastics --- Fibrous and foliate silicates --- Fire protection. Fireproofing of buildings. Firefighting installations and equipment --- Thermal insulation of buildings. Cold-resistant and heat-resistant construction. Expansion joints --- Hedendaagse architectuur. Bouwkunst sinds 1960 --- Interieurkunst. Binnenhuisarchitectuur --- Architecture and technology. --- Design and technology. --- Nanostructured materials. --- 747 Interieurkunst. Binnenhuisarchitectuur --- 72.039 Hedendaagse architectuur. Bouwkunst sinds 1960 --- 699.86 Thermal insulation of buildings. Cold-resistant and heat-resistant construction. Expansion joints --- 699.81 Fire protection. Fireproofing of buildings. Firefighting installations and equipment --- 691.27 Fibrous and foliate silicates --- 691.175 Plastics --- 69.059.1 Maintenance in general. Inspection. Cleaning --- Nanostructured materials --- Architecture and technology --- Design and technology --- Innovation --- Matériau --- Nanomaterials --- Nanometer materials --- Nanophase materials --- Nanostructure controlled materials --- Nanostructure materials --- Ultra-fine microstructure materials --- Microstructure --- Nanotechnology --- Technology and design --- Technology --- Technology and architecture

Public, private, ephemeral : ceramics in architecture
ISBN: 9788461215096 8461215095 Year: 2008 Publisher: Castellón ASCER (Spanish Ceramic Tile Manufacturers' Association)

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This book investigates the versatility and flexibility of ceramic materials through a selection of 32 works merging architecture, interior design, public spaces, and temporary places. This is a fascinating tour from concept to production of synergies between design, technology and innovation, new discoveries of ceramic material techniques for the needs of contemporary architecture. Including projects by Vazquez Consuegra, Francesco Mangado, Souto de Moura, Italo Rota, Cloud9, EMBT, Carlos Ferrater.

Authors: --- --- ---
ISSN: 24679690 ISBN: 9789064506567 9064506566 Year: 2008 Volume: 1 Publisher: Rotterdam 010

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